INOMUN 2024: new technologies and global governance
This year, we have the pleasure to organise the 9th edition of the International North Model United Nations conference which will take place on december the 16th 2024, in Lille.
The conference will discuss new technologies and global governance. Cybertechnologies, recent scientific innovations and major breakthroughs in numerous domains lead to countless challenges worldwide. Whether it be the social media (now mobilizing on average almost a quarter of our time daily) artificial intelligence, human transgenic modifications or cryptocurrencies, it is clear that a global, united response is required in front of such challenges. This is why, today, the notion of global governance is especially important. In a world more divided than ever, in which the gap between the richest and the poorest widens, in which States are confronted to challenges of unprecedented difficulty, multilateralism, inviting everyone around the table of negotiations is particularly important. In the tense geopolitical context of recent years (war in Ukraine, terrorism in Western Africa, war in Palestine, environmental global crisis) global governance will indeed be one of the enduring challenges of the congress. However, only together may the Member-States find the solutions for today’s hardships while trying to avoid tomorrow’s.
Moreover, we will have the pleasure to listen to this year’s guest speaker ; Naim Aouaichia !
Here is a little recap of the conference in video made by the press team!
committees and debated issues
General Assembly
How should countries regulate cybertechnologies and scientific innovations going forward?